The Movies of Ken Korda ======================= By Paul Robert Lloyd Monday, 30 January 2006 Being a massive fan of The Adam & Joe Show, it was a happy day when I discovered [Adam Buxton's blog][1]. Better still, over the last few weeks he has been uploading some short interviews he made with Ken Korda for The Last Word on More4. Kenneth Korda is a big figure in Hollywood, and given his involvement in some recent films (sometimes working closely with the directors), meant he was just the man Channel 4 were looking for to get an insight into their production: * Chief Winky Wrangler on the set of [Battle In Heaven]( * Jim Jarmusch's Sandwich Supervisor during the filming of [Broken Flowers]( * Magic Minimiser on [Chronicles of Narnia]( * Quirk Regulator on [Elizabethtown]( * Being hired by Dave Stewart to write songs for [Flightplan]( (when it was going to be a rock opera) * Talking about his original screen adaptation for the latest Harry Potter film: [Harry P and the Firery G]( * His role as Lady Expert on [In Her Shoes]( * Third Associate Assistant to the Script Co-ordinators Assistant on [Lord of War]( * Producing the original trailer for Warner Bros. documentary [March of the Penguins]( * Cock and Drunk consultant on Stephen Woolley's film [Stoned]( Each of these movies is about 5-7Mb in size, and are in MP4 format. [1]: