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IanG's GravatarIanG


An alternative to the K800i is the new Nokia N73. The N73 allows you to upload photos directly to your own Flickr account. Just take a photo and choose upload to Flickr, the photo appears on Flickr and you own site within 10 seconds.

Gareth Brown's GravatarGareth Brown


Awsome… I have had this phone for 6 months, I would have used it more but I hate that crappy blogger style interface. You seem to have placed your own style on this, please let me know how you have done this.

Roger von Oech's GravatarRoger von Oech


What a fun informative post. I hope your new phone is everything you want it to be.

You’re right about the movie-going experience at cineplexes: having many, many trailers in a row sucks big time.


BTW: Is it raining in New York?