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Jonathan Aquino's GravatarJonathan Aquino


Hi Paul. Thanks for the invite. Alas, I can’t think of 8 things at the moment, so my response may be a while!


krystyn's Gravatarkrystyn


p.s. I love your site design more than mine. Wanna trade? ;)

Krystyn's GravatarKrystyn


Gah! I did it. My answers aren’t half as entertaining as yours, though. The back of your head is famous, for crying out loud!

And who doesn’t cry out loud? That’s what I really want to know.

Paul Robert Lloyd's GravatarPaul Robert Lloyd


Yeah, I’m positive. Unless of course Dave made it up, which entirely possible I guess. But without the guy with one leg, this wouldn’t be such an interesting story would it!

Jon Roobottom's GravatarJon Roobottom


Erm… I may try this…

Just to point out. I was there when no. 6 happened, and I don’t recall anyone saying the guy had a false leg. I’m sure you’ve made that bit up!