Journal Entries

The Billionaire’s Typewriter


Matthew Butterick’s scrutiny of Medium reveals it to be “a form of human fracking”:

In “Death to Typewriters,” Medium insists that the typewriter is its “sworn enemy.” In certain typographic details, maybe so. But as a device that imposes homogeneous design, Medium still has a lot in common with the typewriter.

In fact, its ethics are actually worse than the traditional typewriter. Why? Because Medium’s homogeneous design has nothing to do with limitations of the underlying technology (in this case, the web)… it’s a deliberate choice that lets Medium extract value from the talent and labor of others.

Convenience always has a cost.

Jake Archibald: Building SVGO’s Missing GUI

SVGOMG is a wonderful example of how to build a web app in a responsible and accessible way. I asked its creator, Jake Archibald, a few questions about how he designed and developed this native-feeling SVG optimisation application.

Briefly Berlin

Before going freelance, I decided to take some time off during February. Part of this included spending a few days in Berlin.