Waldo Pancake ============= By Paul Robert Lloyd Wednesday, 9 February 2011

The Waldo Pancake website


Slideshow featuring some of Jim's work

Jim Smith (aka [Waldo Pancake][1]) is a designer, illustrator and copywriter whose work can be found on the side of juice bottles, sweet packets and inside every [Puccino's][2] coffee shop. His existing site used a Flash-based solution, but this meant his work couldn't be viewed on mobile devices. Wanting to maintain similar slideshow functionality (with images that could be updated via an FTP client) Jim approached me to redevelop his website. In addition to visualising his designs in HTML, I created a simple file based content management system in PHP and utilised jQuery to provide cross-browser compatible image slideshows. [1]: http://waldopancake.com/ [2]: http://puccinosworldwide.com/