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An Opportunity For Change

As an era of Labour government led by Gordon Brown surely comes to an end, I reflect on my changing political attitudes and the decision I’ll be making at the ballot box this coming Thursday.

Farewell Mr. Blair

Prime Ministers are such a part of day-to-day life, that when they change, it prompts you to reflect on their period in office, and how their tenure effected your own life.

David Cameron

On Tuesday, the Conservative Party elected their 4th leader since John Major was defeated at the 1997 general election.

TTIP and the Near-stateless Global Giants

The feedback loops and network effects permitted by the internet have allowed companies like Google, Facebook and Amazon to become near-monopolies within their chosen fields.

Onboard with ‘Broken Britain’

I’ve been living in Littlehampton for almost a year now, yet working 25 miles away from Brighton has meant enduring the somewhat tedious chore that is commuting. This is often a more eventful affair when the journey is taken later in the evening, and tonight was no different.