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Paul Robert Lloyd's GravatarPaul Robert Lloyd


Thanks for your support guys. I’m still in disbelief over the entire incident…

Mark's GravatarMark


As far as I’m concerned it was 10 quid well spent ;-)

Glad your OK though.


Rob Eardley's GravatarRob Eardley


Thats pretty Shi* If it had been the other way round eh?…. it would have been a hyped up racist attack. How long until our country wakes up and takes a stand against violence?!

Glad you are alright anyway mate. Staying tuned as usual.


Lewis Burden's GravatarLewis Burden


Sorry to hear what happened buddy. Just remember where you are, and those sorry ba*s are.

trovster's Gravatartrovster


I lived in Bradford for 4 years. And I was attacked 4 times. All 4 times there were a group of Asian thugs. In my PERSONAL experience, the minority (but a larger minority than it should be) have seriously changed my opinion and attitue to the whole society of Asians living in this country. I’ll reiterate, this is not based upon the global ‘War of Terror’ stuff, but personal experience related directly to me.