Discussion on This Entry

Paul Robert Lloyd's GravatarPaul Robert Lloyd


Thanks for looking out for me Phill. However, this job has, and continues to be advertised here in the US, as well as on a number of different sites that are read by people around the world. Such is the nature of the internet. To be fair, nowhere have I stated a preference for foreign candidates either.

In short, I’m not concerned.

Phill's GravatarPhill


Valid point there Kris, however I was referring to immigration regulations that state a job must be advertised and if possible filled inside the USA by a US citizen/resident before it can be advertised outside of the USA. As you are a resident of another country, if you were to apply for this position (via a notification from this site), this site would be In contravention of the USA federal immigration laws. I am no lawyer so I cannot sate these as absolute facts BUT I have dealt with immigration a lot (for my own purposes) and looked into the sponsored worker program.

Kris's GravatarKris


Do you get full training???? I’ll do it!!!!!

This is not breaking any laws as far as I can see as you began your text with “The ideal candidate for ME would be somebody ” and then “requirements that I see as important”.

Its just a personal view about a job that happens to be going at the same place you work at and a blog of your onw opinions as what skills YOU feel would be appropriate.

Phill Devey's GravatarPhill Devey



Not wanting to be an ass here but I won’t mention how many countless Federal US laws you are probably breaking here not to mention the immigration regulations for foreign workers. Just thought you might want a heads up – you know what the US is like!