Discussion on This Entry

Paul Robert Lloyd's GravatarPaul Robert Lloyd


@Jeremy - Was loving the cowboy hat! Thanks for your kind words regarding Ning also, much appreciated.

@Shaun - Phew! (Wipes brow)

Shaun Inman's GravatarShaun Inman


Paul, I don’t recall feeling offended so don’t worry about it (I apologize if I came across as offended). Glad we had a chance to chat.

Jeremy Keith's GravatarJeremy Keith


Paul, it was great to finally meet you in the flesh�thanks for coming to the Great British Booze-up. I’m glad we had a chance (however briefly) to chat about Ning’s new direction.

Paul Robert Lloyd's GravatarPaul Robert Lloyd


Hi Robert,

Thanks for taking the time to apologise, you were very popular figure at SXSW that’s for sure! Hopefully will be able to chat more fully at forthcoming events.

Robert Scoble's GravatarRobert Scoble


Sorry for being rude. I talked with hundreds of people and probably had something going on on screen that demanded my attention. Not a good excuse, though.

Paul Robert Lloyd's GravatarPaul Robert Lloyd


It’s coming – my friend Kyle videoed it, so just waiting for him to give me the tape!

Jon Roobottom's GravatarJon Roobottom


When are we going to see your 20x2 vid then dude? Wish I could find mine…