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Tom Graham's GravatarTom Graham


Sounds like you enjoyed being over there though. My brother emigrated to America last year and when I’ve visited I have loved the place. I’d like to live in San Fran for awhile just for the experience.

Good luck with your freelance venture

IanG's GravatarIanG



And I thought you were missing the uk and were coming back!

I’ve heard you are starting a new job on Monday – pray tell.


krystyn's Gravatarkrystyn


I too hope this is not the case with the New York conference. There’s a few speakers I’m looking forward to hearing… plus Squarespace is in NYC so I get to visit my comrades and work out of the Soho office for a few days. So even if it stinks, I know the trip will still be worthwhile.

I look forward to reading about your adventures!

Paul Robert Lloyd's GravatarPaul Robert Lloyd


I’m not going to FOWD, if only for the fact that I attended this conference in London earlier this year and was really disappointed with it. It seemed very much a platform for Adobe and Microsoft to push there wares, and for a number of ad agencies to recruit/showcase their portfolios. Hopefully the New York edition of this conference won’t follow the same pattern!

Thanks for relating, hopefully you can watch this space and see what comes next!

krystyn's Gravatarkrystyn


Although I don’t live anywhere close to SF, I am sad in a way that you will no longer be on this side of the pond. But… I know exactly how you feel about working within the confines of a single brand identity for a long period of time. Creative block hits me hard too on occasion and I do have my days where I miss the variety of agency work.

Unrelated, are you going to the FOWD conference in New York?

darthlawb's Gravatardarthlawb


Well – you said there was a big announcement on the way, and there it is!

Everytime, I have caught up with you, online or a visit to my humble home, you have excited me with the work and the times you have had while being away. If you really feel like it is time to move on, then so be it. I wish you all the best mate.

P.S Did you ever get the iPhone Touch or not? I am thinking about one for xmas, although, have you seen the new Zune?!? (lol)

Jonathan Aquino's GravatarJonathan Aquino


Alas, I shall missing working with you, Sir!

Jon Roobottom's GravatarJon Roobottom


Mate. I can’t believe you didn’t email me! Sodding hell, that’s both good and bad news in one.

Good cos you’ll be back in the UK and we wont have to wait 6 months to see ya, and bad because my dream of a cheep holiday in California has died (I never did get my add into gear did I?)

I’m looking forward to seeing you, catching up on some geekery and a couple of pints.

I just have a few choice words for you to consider as you plan your future. These words are as follows.

Brighton. roodesign / four two

That is all.

Si Jobling's GravatarSi Jobling


So its good news and bad news all in one go.

I’m sure it was a hard decision to leave Ning and, therefore, the US but you should always follow your gut instinct.

It’ll be great to have you back in the UK though mate and I look forward to seeing a lot more of you at future Multipack meets including the Reboot and Christmas Meal.

You never know, Roobottom might even make an appearance if you do (what was that pink thing in the sky then??)

Andy Higgs's GravatarAndy Higgs


Hello mate,

It’s good to hear your heading back to Blighty, though I’m sure there will be certain things you’ll soon be missing. Of course there are definite benefits to coming back over here, like the weather for example…

Anyway, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the freelance circuit, and it’ll be good to see you back at a ‘pack meet soon.
