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Gareth Brown's GravatarGareth Brown


I used to have the same feelings, but i just put it down to coming from Walsall, i have been trying to get out of this place for 26 years or at least the last 10. I have decided however to settle down and try and help make it a better place.

The UK is so diverse that I believe you can move to a place that fits you, whether you are British or not.

krystyn's Gravatarkrystyn


It’s funny to read this, as I feel the same way about my home. About fifteen years ago I moved from the east coast of Florida, where I was born and lived my entire life.

I don’t miss it so much, but when I visit home it grabs my heart and fills my lungs like no other place. There’s something about the pull of the ocean tide and the salt in the air that makes me balanced like no other place in the world.

That being said, I would never want to live there again. Due to an influx of money in the area over the last decade, it has its own special brand of loud, slightly over-weight idiots, full of self-importance and zealous pride.

IanG's GravatarIanG


I needed to go into Birmingham a few days ago and thought I was in a different country, all of what you said “loud, slightly over-weight idiots, full of self-importance and zealous pride, who collectively act like a bunch of morons” is true. The majority of the noise however seemed to come from “migrant workers” though!

I would not put yourself in this category, a few pointers to your colleagues is a good thing not bad.

With regards to a longing to return home, if you think about it every day then go for it. Given the experience you have gained over the past 12+ months you will easily get a good job here in the uk. You will get to see your friends and family here again (good thing?).

Mark's GravatarMark


It’s not much better for those of us that still live here mate!

I lost all hope when the BBC lost the ability to have correctly structured, composed, punctuated and generally grammatically correct stories. The gap between the BBC website and the Sun newspaper is getting ever smaller.